眼底光學斷層掃描儀 / REVO FC Fundus Camera with the complete OCT functionality▲3D自動對焦/多種語言語音提示 ▲AC/PC 前房隅角/後房斷層掃描 ▲Optical Biometry 光學式眼軸長掃描(Option) ▲Nomydriatic Fundus 高解析度45度免散瞳眼底攝影 ▲Angiography OCT 非侵入式螢光血管眼底斷層掃瞄(Option) OPTOPOL 眼底斷層掃描儀 New OCT standard - All functionality In One device. ▲ 3D自動對焦/多種語言語音提示▲ AC/PC 前房/後房掃描(隅角管理)▲ Optical Biometry 光學式眼軸長掃描(Option)▲ Topography 角膜地型圖掃描(Option)▲ Angiography OCT 非侵入式螢光血管眼底斷層掃瞄(Option) 手持式免散瞳眼底攝影機 PRO 相關連結:http://www.bio-mega.com.tw/product_cg77804.html#521935 Optomed Oy.--SMARTSCOPE PRO 新一代鏡頭升級 ,畫質更清晰 a1 medical 德國器械 德國精細工藝a1 medical manufacture the highst quality level instruments Made in Germany, enabling medical professionals to help patients ans best as humanly possible. 眼底光學斷層掃描儀 / REVO NX 130